Sharing the same will to make the practice of freediving accessible to everyone in the best possible conditions, BLUENERY Academy maintains a strong link and benefits from the support of AIDA, the International Association for the Development of Apnea.
Created in Villefranche-sur-mer in 1992 for freedivers from all over the world, today the association federates more than 40 countries.
This relationship is the result of several events:
- The co-founder of the BLUENERY Academy, Guillaume Néry met Claude Chapuis, the founder of the world federation AIDA, who became his mentor and began his freediving career by his side with Loïc Leferme.
- The settlement of our school in the historical cradle of modern freediving.
- Our education program relies heavily on the teaching standards of AIDA freediving, which has since its inception constituted a whole body of knowledge that serves as the basis today for teaching freediving to beginners and in the recreational world
- All our instructors have been trained and are AIDA certified. AIDA instructors, experts in freediving, transpose their knowledge to put it at the service of beginners, those who want to discover the sea in complete freedom, without a diving suit, from the youngest to the oldest.
“The world of freediving is a world of sensations that allows everyone to discover the sea and discover themselves”. CLAUDE CHAPUIS, Co fondateur d’AIDA.